Back to Beading

I haven’t been beading much lately, in part due to my focus on learning air dry clay, but also, I just haven’t felt inspired. I think dry spells are part of the creative process, but it is a struggle going through one. I have wondered if I have made everything I ever will, if I… Continue reading Back to Beading

Good News to Share

Well, it has been a while since I’ve blogged, and I’m not really sure where I want to go with this today, but exciting news, I got a sale this weekend on the goimagine marketplace. It appears to have come from the marketplace, not from my marketing or even a google search, and I’m thrilled… Continue reading Good News to Share

Celebrating success – join me and make butterfly earring dangles

I shared last week about my struggle with the April Maker Challenge, This week, I am sharing a success. After not being able to make my beading project work the way I wanted, I switched back to air dry clay. Being so new at this medium, I have not felt quite confident enough to… Continue reading Celebrating success – join me and make butterfly earring dangles

Ah, Bittersweet Failure – Reality of a Maker’s Life

I wasn’t going to post about this, mostly because I hate to sound like I’m whining, but since failure is a big part of my personal experience as a maker, and I’m sure I’m not alone, I thought I would share. The marketplace I am currently partnering with, goimagine, holds monthly themed challenges for seller… Continue reading Ah, Bittersweet Failure – Reality of a Maker’s Life

On the Horizon!

The biggest reason I love making jewelry so much is that there is so much to learn and so many opportunities to grow as a maker. I am interested in many things, and some may be forever out of reach for various reasons, but torch fire-able fine silver clay has been on my list since… Continue reading On the Horizon!

March Already!

It seems like yesterday I couldn’t believe it was January 1, 2024, and suddenly, here we are three days into March! I’m trying to keep up. I’ve been busy adding items to my goimagine shop, so please check it out: As always, I intend to keep this blog going, and I have some new… Continue reading March Already!

Upcycled Jewelry

Just a quick announcement regarding my goimagine online shop: I have added a new category called Upcycled. I will list items I make using recycled materials or repurposed components from thrift stores and estate sales. My first listing is the below pair of asymmetrical earrings made using red recycled glass wrapped in Beadalon German style… Continue reading Upcycled Jewelry