Blog News and a New Necklace

Almost back to back blogs! That never happens! Anyway, I have one interesting announcement regarding blogging specifically. Goimagine, the marketplace that hosts my shop and also, is incorporating blogs. Sellers have been asking for this feature, which is apparently available on other platforms such as Shopify. After much internal discussion with myself, I decided… Continue reading Blog News and a New Necklace

See What I Made with the Oval Washers

I last blogged about using my new Pepetools oval disc cutter: I had not made anything at the time, but since, I made a necklace using the oval washers and beautiful faceted petrified wood coin beads. I found those at the International Gem and Jewelry Show when it rolled through again in January. Here… Continue reading See What I Made with the Oval Washers

New Cool Tool with Demo

A couple of weeks ago, I upgraded to a Pepetools Oval Cabochon disc cutter and finally used it! This cutter was not cheap, but so worth it. The oval cutters I had been using were decent, but limited in how I could use them. There are so many possibilities with this cutter! For my first… Continue reading New Cool Tool with Demo