Back to Beading

I haven’t been beading much lately, in part due to my focus on learning air dry clay, but also, I just haven’t felt inspired. I think dry spells are part of the creative process, but it is a struggle going through one. I have wondered if I have made everything I ever will, if I have simply run out of ideas.

People in my jewelry groups will sometimes post about this, and the comments are always interesting to me because everyone handles it completely differently. Some people walk away a while, maybe do another craft, others organize their space and find inspiration as they are going through their stashes, and some look for inspiration outside themselves, on Pinterest or YouTube.

I personally have tried all of these things, but sometimes I find if I just sit down and start making something, anything, ideas start flowing again. Not always, and sometimes it takes making several pieces I feel meh about. Today, I am sharing a couple of pieces I have recently made in my attempt to get out of my beading dry spell as I wait for a few air dry clay pieces to dry. I also have some ideas brewing, so maybe the spell is coming to an end.

The two necklaces are listed in my shop, even though I don’t exactly love them. The represent part of my journey, and who knows, maybe someone is looking for just that. The earrings are not listed, and I am not sure I will, but I am posting them here.

Ocean Blue Larimar Earrings

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